Title: Rheem Piezo Eurosit 890202 | Hot Water Supplies
Description: Looking for gas hot water system parts? Rheem Piezo Eurosit and so much more available online today through Hot Water Supplies. We deliver Australia wide.
Rheem Piezo Eurosit 890202
The Piezo Eurosit is a product manufactured by Rheem and is a device used to light the pilot in gas hot water systems. Containing a spring loaded hammer and a crystal, when the igniter button is pressed the hammer initiates a high volt when it hits the crystal. It is this volt that creates a spark and lights the gas that is flowing from the pilot.
The Piezo Eurosit has an easily identifiable ignition button and can replace any worn or broken piezo eurosit.
Product Data
Title: Rheem Piezo Eurosit 890202
Short Description
This Piezo Igniter creates a spark to ignite the pilot on gas hot water systems.