Title: Aquamax 315 Litre 4.8kw Electric Hot Water System 991315G8 | Hot Water Supplies
Description: Buy an Aquamax 315 Litre electric hot water system online toady from Hot Water Supplies and we’ll deliver it free to most metro areas.
Aquamax 315 Litre 4.8kw Electric Hot Water System 991315G8
This large and reliable electric hot water system is perfect for bigger families of 4 to 6 people and will comfortably provide enough hot water to meet all your needs.
The large capacity allows for ample hot water storage and is available with single or twin element heating power. The twin element function also allows for a 50litre boost capacity if needed.
If you have the space to install the hot system inside, terrific, but if not, no worries as the system can also be installed outside. All Aquamax hot water systems are specifically built to withstand the harsh Australian climate.
The AquaMAX 315 Litre 4.8kw Electric Hot Water System is an exceptionally durable, energy efficient mains pressure hot water system that is backed by a 10-year cylinder warranty.
Every Aquamax unit is built using the latest technology and finest craftmanship, while enduring rigorous factory testing before being released to the public. Each cylinder receives a high quality vitreous enamel lining, is steel encased and includes sacrificial anode to protect and maintain the system.
Product Data
Title: Aquamax 315 Litre 4.8kw Electric Hot Water System 991315G8
Short Description
Durable, reliable and manufactured using quality material, the Aquamax 315 Litre Electric Hot Water System also comes with a 10-year warranty.
(Manufactured by Rheem)